The BOUQUET MILANO Collection is a timeless display of contrasting tones, recalling a vintage era of an art deco style merging with a contemporary influence. This tile is available 9¼”x9¼” size with matching 2″x2″ mosaics on mesh. Great for interior and exterior living spaces. Porcelain tiles can be used for floors, walls, counter-tops and many other surfaces. Impervious porcelain is resistant to stains, scratches, chemicals, extreme temperatures and UV exposure.
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The BOUQUET MILANO Collection is a timeless display of contrasting tones.
recalling a vintage era of an art deco style merging with a contemporary influence.
Great for interior and exterior applications. Can be used for floors, walls, counter-tops and many other surfaces. Impervious porcelain is resistant to stains, scratches, chemicals, extreme temperatures and UV exposure.
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