QDI® SILVER Travertine Tile


QDI® Silver is a beautiful dense travertine with different shades of silver, grey, brown and some cream colors splashed throughout. This material has a nice rich “silver” tone and has a gorgeous finish. Silver is a travertine that is quarried and produced out of Turkey.
Travertine is a calcium carbonate sedimentary stone, which is formed around hot springs and through deposition in wet caves, with carbon-dioxide saturated water breaking down calcium carbonate and redepositing it. Travertine usually contains a mixture of minerals from the environment where it formed, along with the calcium carbonate, and it has a very coarse texture with small holes created by air bubbles and living organisms which were trapped in the rock.
Shading and veining of natural stone has a variety of natural characteristics and are like a fingerprint….no two pieces are alike.